Boost Your Innovative Space Exploration Business Idea Benefitting Earth!


Universities, scientific institutions and associations, scientists, researchers, students, engineers and R&D departments now have the chance to write their own chapter of the Space Exploration Masters success story. Geared towards entrants from all over the world, the competition is on the hunt for outstanding ideas, applications, and business concepts. The winners will receive access to a leading international network, corresponding data, startup funding, and other support valued at more than EUR 500,000 Mio in total.

You are having „The best Business Case from a Space Technology Transfer“?
You are an inventor, broker, and/or represent a company, who has translated ESA or related pace technology into successful business? Now you have your chance to stand side by side with ESA and seeing your product to be connected with space!

You are having „The best Business Innovation Idea related to Space Exploration“?
You represent a university, are a student, entrepreneur, part of a startup team or a single innovator who wants to contribute to this fascinating area, also getting incubation in this respect when already having a promising concept, or to generally wake interest amongst potential third-party prizes?

Then join the competition now and submit your innovative Space Exploration Business Idea Benefitting Earth from 20 June until 8 September 2017.

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