Artificial Intelligence
Ideas that make use of the increasingly sophisticated capability of smart integrated circuits and/or software solutions, e.g. to autonomously run appliances, machinery, infrastructure and processes, or also enabling self-assembling, self-organising, and self-maintaining systems of connected units of Technology.
Benefits for Earth
Ideas that help to develop space exploration or translate solutions and services from space exploration for earthly use, with the aim to create a positive impact for our home planet. Those impacts could be of economic, environmental/ecological, and societal nature and ideally keep the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals in mind.
Deep Space Communications / Navigation
- Ideas for better, more efficient and reliable communication with probes, landers, rovers, and trailblazing, infrastructure-building technology around and on distant celestial bodies or in free space.
- Ideas for orienting in space or finding the way on surfaces not yet mapped or even known, while also highly challenging.
Discovery & Observation
- Ideas to find what has not yet been found, and to enhance our understanding of the Universe, our Solar System, also Earth, driven by space-based technology.
- Ideas to identify and keep track of risks and opportunities in and from space.
- Ideas to build up an economic framework in space, managing the stocks and flows of resources, assets, finance, trade, means of production etc.
- Ideas to expand today’s Earth-bound economy into space, giving it new possibilities to grow sustainably – based also on the approach of a circular economy.
- Ideas to make space and Earth two interconnected markets that complement and enable each other.
Ideas to use space to address the demand for regenerative energy to run infrastructure, drive processes, and sustain building blocks of civilisation, both in space and on Earth.
- Ideas that look into offworld environments, their geology, topography, the soil and its chemistry, if those places are habitable and containing the building blocks of life. How could life as we know it be sustained, while also preserving, not contaminating and destroying the original, natural state? What lessons to be learned for challenges coming from ever-growing human civilisation and rapid urbanisation on Earth?
- Ideas that create a positive synergy between developments around space exploration and the ecosphere of Earth, taking pressure of our home planet, reviving environments now in distress or already collapsing, establishing a balanced “water, energy, food, and land nexus”, and leaving our only home world a better place than we found it.
- Ideas aiming at preventing to repeat the same mistakes in space which have been made on Earth.
Industrial Processes
- Ideas to improve existing, or to develop new processes, possibly based on ones already proven in non-space areas, which could be more effective and efficient, less costly than before, better to manage, also cover wholly new aspects.
- Ideas focussing on space as a provider of resources, their utilisation (in-situ and elsewhere), and how to build a space-based industry around them to drive a more economical and larger-in-scope space exploration ecosystem, and one day possibly supplying Earth as well.
- Ideas thinking about how to enable the approach of a circular economy in and with space, reducing or even stopping the production of waste.
Infrastructure & Habitats
- Ideas around laying the foundations for facilities, living environments in orbits of other celestial bodies, like Moon, Mars, or others, on their surfaces or in free space. What is needed to provide needed energy? What resources to make use of and how?
- Ideas aiming specifically at how to build and maintain livable, sustainable, and resilient habitats like e.g. for a “Moon Village”, a “Deep Space Gateway” as a stepping stone for future deep space missions, or even human settlements meant to last?
Low Earth Orbit, Moon, Mars & Beyond
Ideas in alignment with already existing strategies to further empower and push forward space exploration missions to the destinations Low Earth Orbit (LEO), the Moon, Mars, or even way beyond. What to do there? What benefits to get, and which connections to be made with aims here on Earth?
Life Sciences
- Ideas about how to support human and other life in harsh, if not deadly environments of space or on other celestial bodies.
- Ideas about how to produce food, how to enable life to protect itself against radiation, how to live off the land while soil might be highly toxic, how to cope with other levels of gravity, how to stay healthy and sane so far from home, from Earth’s supplies, and from society; how to recreate, how to set up self-sustaining little ecospheres which are resilient despite being confronted with innumerable, also still unknown threats nearby or from afar.
- Ideas about how to let life adapt and about what to do to turn today’s challenges into advantages and to surmount the restrictions of Earth-based life, coming to new understandings in terms of bio-engineering, biomedical devices, biotechnology, cosmeceuticals, food production and processing, genetics, life systems technologies, nutraceutics, pharmaceuticals, etc., on both micro- and macro level.
- Ideas about producing in offworld environments, utilisation of resources right where they are to be found, development of new principles, techniques, and processes – for instance, but not limited to building upon additive manufacturing.
- Ideas about setting up production capabilities and capacities that are less dependent from human control and intervention and get more or completely autonomous.
Materials Research
- Ideas about new kinds of materials and how to benefit from features not possible to realise in an Earth environment, but in micro- or zero-gravity.
- Ideas about how to work with elements scarce on Earth but abundant in space, and therefore able to be used also in larger structures for a fraction of the original cost.
- Ideas aiming at more stable and durable, yet flexible, also smart or self-healing multi-purpose materials of value in space and Earth-based use.
Robotics & Autonomous Systems
Ideas about probes to send to distant orbits, about rovers on offworld surfaces, machinery and devices to build and organise themselves as a workforce for an industry in space and for preparing the ground for further, more advanced human activities.
- Ideas around space exploration to benefit humanity.
- Ideas about creating new professions and jobs for people to make their living with.
- Ideas about how to expand the framework of society sustainably to space, to allow and drive technological progress and advance of civilisation.
Space Resource Utilisation
- Ideas for prospecting, harvesting, and processing of resources in space to make use of, instead of having to transport them with great effort into space, or to exploit limited deposits on Earth and continuing to do harm to our home planet.
- Ideas for new space exploration activities build upon the resources found beyond Earth.
Space to Non-Space & Non-Space to Space
- Ideas to connect different kinds of industries with each other and with the space industry for better exchange and collaboration on similar or even common goals.
- Ideas to open up silos and transfer valuable know-how, concepts, solutions, and services in both directions, for new kinds of synergies, novel application and business areas, as well as markets to address.
- Ideas that go beyond mere points to add to a “bucket list” of destinations to travel to in life.
- Ideas about reasonable goals for a sustainable tourism in space, e.g. in terms of new perspectives to be found, understanding to expand, deeper connection to and care for one’s own planet to develop, etc.
- Ideas for bringing down the cost substantially for sending people into orbit or beyond, thereby democratising access to space, which until today has been visited by not even 600 humans, and just few wealthy private citizens.
- Ideas about finding new methods for recreation and health cure, also sports in micro- or zero-gravity, not least for people living in future habitats like a “Moon Village”, a “Deep Space Gateway”, or the like.